Meet Heart's Path Explorer Dawn Hill
For this month's interview I'm reviving the "color outside the lines" format that seems called for when interviews happen face-to-face rather than via email. Meet Dawn Hill, a retired elementary school teacher, part-time activities director and writer. Images and poetry courtesy Dawn Hill.
Heart-happy and life-fulfilling activities.
Dawn enjoys her family. She loves talking with her kids, seeing photos of her grandchildren and going for long drives with her mom. Reading and writing also rank high on Dawn's list. She likes to write memoir/creative non-fiction and poetry. Dawn also does some journaling.
Coming full circle to herself and her community.
Dawn remembers her high school teacher assuring students that "there is no wrong poem." Writing poetry at that time brought Dawn an intense feeling of freedom. After not having written anything for about 20 years, penning a "divorce announcement" sparked her return to writing. She took a poetry class as part of her continuing education for teaching and had her fourth and fifth grade students write a poem each day.
These days, Dawn meets regularly with a writing group, a weekly ritual that emerged after she took a couple classes at The Loft. Though it's a fluid group in terms of its members, the writing group is "always safe and always supportive."
Another heart-honoring ritual.
Dawn hasn't missed a single week of attending her writing group since it formed several years ago. In addition to her writing group ritual, Dawn likes to hop in the car and go for a drive a couple times each week. "If it's sunny and I'm free, I'll go. If it's not sunny and I'm free, I'll still go," Dawn laughs.
Connect with Dawn by leaving a comment below.
Space is still available in October & November
Heart’s Path Discovery Sessions!Â
If you’re seeking your heart’s true path, join me for a 3-week in-person Heart's Path Discovery Session this fall in the Minneapolis area. Heart’s Path Discovery Sessions offer a set of guideposts for discovering and living your heart's true path, a strategy for finding what activities you love and then living with intention and with a greater sense of meaning.