Meet Heart's Path Explorer Rachel Awes
Today I am honored to share a peek into the heart of "psychologist, author + art playgroundist" Rachel Awes. Rachel's latest book is available beginning today! In Rachel's words, "diving in is a full color, 96-page book, which serves as a visual + poetic invitation, using water as metaphor, to dive into the one life that is so beautifully yours, + is endorsed by SARK, Raphael Cushnir, + Brian Andreas/Storypeople." Photos and art courtesy of Rachel Awes.
What activities make your heart happy and your life full of meaning and purpose?
Similar ones to when I was a child such as: play with my friends, nap, color, writing, eating yummy things, hugging, + saying my prayers.
How did you discover your heart's true path? How do you continue to discern what is true to your heart?
It’s like night driving. I have followed just the little bit of light that is ahead of me + it seems to somehow be enough to get me to the next thing…+ the light I follow is joy. For instance, I like to color + so I color some more. I also like words + so I combine them. Then I do a whole lot more of that. Next it occurs to me that I love people + so I bind it all into a book to offer the world. I don’t mean this to sound so grand. I really mean the opposite. The flow of this is such a simple thing. A thistle along a dirt road.
What rituals do you practice that help you listen to and honor your heart?
I need solitude + silence. Sometimes I go away for a weekend to seek it. Always I rise early + have for the last six or so years. The birds seem to understand.
Think about a time when you got off track. What did you do that helped you return to your heart's true path?
I didn’t do. That’s what helped.
Are there tools (e.g., vision boards, to-do lists, mind maps) that help you stay on track?
When fears creep in, I like to write them out on paper. Then I imagine the voices of angels + write out their responses to each one. I allow love to come in.
Tell us about your heart's community: Who are your supporters? How have you found people who believe in you, accept you and cheer you on through your journey?
My base community exists in the realm of the invisible. This began a long time ago as an only child + having imaginary friends + family! I think that served to open something up in me. There is this thing that exists in my heart. A room full of cozy chairs to be, along with invited company coming through. Mysterious angels + lit up love. In addition, I am deeply grateful for my husband of (come june) 25 years + two sons (ages 17 + 15), + dear family + friends. My community has grown, both in numbers + in powerful positivity since I was young. This collective heart has been hard won + I am deeply grateful for it.
What is a book, song, artist or quote that inspires you?
A sampling of some authors I enjoy are Mary Oliver, Rumi, SARK, Cheryl Strayed, Julia Cameron, + Kate DiCamillo.